Monday, November 30, 2009

ORM options for Python server to Flex client

Let's say Python is your solution of choice for backend development and Flash technology is your preferred client. If your project uses a database, you will need a good ORM solution at some point. The options are many and here are a few of them:
  • WebORB by MidnightCoders
  • Django built-in ORM
  • SQLAlchemy ORM
There are surely other options (roll your own, anybody?) but these come to mind readily. Now, how to choose which one? Let's look at the capabilities of each:


Pros: MegaOptions, from RTMP Server to Secure Transactions and lots more, turnkey CRUD, GUI admin, GUI performance, plug and play, one-click ORM generator, ORM testing suite. The list goes on...

Cons: Costs a pretty penny last I checked. Could be considered bloaty. I would have to hear some performance testers weigh in on this.

Verdict: Great at limiting server-side development to a minimum. Great full-service solution. Would be a strong contender in a rich media studio or design shop.


Django built-in ORM

I'll use it when the time comes. Methods to replace Django's ORM outright with SQLAlchemy have been detailed on some intrepid developer blogs. I would rather not customize the framework too much, as it introduces potential troubleshooting down the line. You can use Django ORM and an addition ORM library like SQLAlchemy interchangeably, so that would be my first choice if going this route.



A very robust open source option with a surfeit of detailed documentation, this one regularly gets my vote. It is sufficiently explicit to require familiarity to use, but not too steep a curve to get started quickly. Extensions like Elixir simplify the code at the expense of greater abstraction. This is a case of using the right tool for the right project, so feel free to learn more about both.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

MAMP with mod_wsgi

Once you get a database set up, sqlite or otherwise, you can use it with Django applications. You can serve Django directly from a command line or through Apache. In either case you will need Django to be installed. From a command line, simply run the django server and browse to it: runserver

If your production server is going to be Apache, your best bet is to run Django under Apache locally. To do this you need a helper library for Apache to use. The de facto solution is mod_wsgi.


To get started with mod_wsgi, typically you download mod_wsgi from Graham Dumpleton's Google Code repository, you go to your command line, you untar it, you configure it, you make it and you make install it. This makes the code library available to wsgi-enabled services, in effect allowing you to run Django on Apache.

When you make install mod_wsgi, it places the libraries in your /lib directory. Then it links to your Apache directory where OSX keeps it, /usr/libexec/apache2. Installation includes automatic detection, or you can use some optional flags to specify resource paths, detailed in the wsgi installation guidelines.

Now your OSX Apache has modwsgi installed, but the Apache version in MAMP does not. To verify this, try making a Django app and serving it via MAMP. First, make a new django app in an appropriate directory: startproject myproject

Next, open and modify the config for your MAMP Apache app, located in /Applications/Mamp/conf/apache/httpd.conf. For that matter, have a look at what your OSX Apache instance has in its config file. It is private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf. Searching for wsgi in this file yields:

LoadModule wsgi_module libexec/apache2/

Looks good even if the relative directory location may be an issue. Insert this info into the MAMP httpd.conf and test it. Actually, there is no need because it will not work. This is due to the structure of MAMP and its proprietary use of Apache. Unlike a full install of Apache, the folders in MAMP have a different structure and are optimized to run modularly. Consequently, you cannot append a flag to your configure command in this manner:

./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs2-worker

because the structure available to Apache is not in MAMP, so detection will fail.

This leaves a couple of options. Either reconstruct some of the MAMP Apache folders so detection will succeed or look for another solution. Considering the evident lack of general success from many Google searches, I am letting this fish off the hook. Feel free to leave a comment if you know a way to make it work.

As a final consideration, mod_python appears to be a lot quicker to set up with MAMP. That could be a candidate if you are in a pinch. Otherwise, if serving Python via Apache is your goal, I recommend using the resources included with OS X and skipping MAMP altogether.

MAMP with sqlite

If you want a local enviro to test in, MAMP for Mac is a good way to go. Right out of the box, you get Apache, MySQL, SQLite and PHP support. Also in the mix is python 2.5, which ship with OS X.

With several apps at the ready, how do you get your head around the new environment? Piece by piece. First let's look at SQLite.


Have a good read at some typical command line options to get you up and running. Go ahead and try it out. See if you can create a db, add some values, retrieve the values.

When you store a database, it is stored in the current directory. You can see what that is by using the command pwd, aka print working directory. Further documentation is available on the SQLite site. If you decide command line is not your style, one option is the SQLite Manager for Firefox. It's not for remote db admin but it'll do for local scenarios.

In summary, getting up and running with sqlite is simple. MAMP comes with MySQL, so that is another available option.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Send Failed Flex Error in WebORB

Is Flex via WebORB middleware sending a message similar to this?
Error: Server reported an error - Send failed
The resolution will most likely consist of looking over your xml declarations, both for the declared endpoint URI and the service it requests.

If you face such a challenge, read the very useful orientation by WebORB creator and principal Mark Pillar. Check this post to confront the matter head on and move forward.

Good luck.