- WebORB by MidnightCoders
- Django built-in ORM
- SQLAlchemy ORM
Pros: MegaOptions, from RTMP Server to Secure Transactions and lots more, turnkey CRUD, GUI admin, GUI performance, plug and play, one-click ORM generator, ORM testing suite. The list goes on...
Cons: Costs a pretty penny last I checked. Could be considered bloaty. I would have to hear some performance testers weigh in on this.
Verdict: Great at limiting server-side development to a minimum. Great full-service solution. Would be a strong contender in a rich media studio or design shop.
Django built-in ORM
I'll use it when the time comes. Methods to replace Django's ORM outright with SQLAlchemy have been detailed on some intrepid developer blogs. I would rather not customize the framework too much, as it introduces potential troubleshooting down the line. You can use Django ORM and an addition ORM library like SQLAlchemy interchangeably, so that would be my first choice if going this route.
A very robust open source option with a surfeit of detailed documentation, this one regularly gets my vote. It is sufficiently explicit to require familiarity to use, but not too steep a curve to get started quickly. Extensions like Elixir simplify the code at the expense of greater abstraction. This is a case of using the right tool for the right project, so feel free to learn more about both.