Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tweensy AS3 Library

A replacement for greensock in my workflow is pretty much unthinkable. Still this library packs some new thrills. Not only does Tweensy claim to be more efficient than TweenMax, it backs it up with some test cases. Have a look at the FX library for ideas on your next project.

in reference to: tweensy - Project Hosting on Google Code (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

RobotLegs in Flash CS4

Robotlegs is an as3 framework that has been gaining traction in the dev community lately. You can find a repository for it on github, and the demos make for a good test drive. It works in Flex or Flash with proper respective configuration.

Robotlegs demos will work fine in Flash CS4 as long as you do the following:
  • Opt-Shift-F12 to open publish settings > click AS3 settings near the top > Library Path: add the bin directory that contains the robotlegs swc
  • In the main Publish Settings panel, be sure to check Export SWC
  • Use the root of the demo folder as your document root directory.
Other troubleshooting options may well go awry. The above bullet list will help you sync up Robotlegs and CS4. Good luck!