Thursday, December 9, 2010

AS3 Command Pattern for Rapid Asset Development

You know those little modular swf projects where you just program in some basic functionality in lieu of using the timeline? Well, I have had a few of those lately, so I made a little module manager.

It's based upon a useful tutorial I ran across and tweaked a bit. I created a google code repository to host the result, called as3minimalcommandpattern.

See this demo which uses only this library. All the code from the demo is pasted below ( the demo can be found with source in the repository).

The demo consists of the document class and as many 'scenes' as are required for the project. A scene in this sense is simply a way to encapsulate an intro-outro sequence. It's good for doing the monotonous work for you so you can focus on integrating advanced features.

Document Class:

import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.SceneManager;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import scenes.*;

public class Main extends MovieClip
public function Main()
var sceneManager:SceneManager = new SceneManager();
sceneManager.setScene(new IntroScene(this));

IntroScene (Setup the UI):

package scenes
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.commands.*;
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.commands.greensock.*;
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.scenes.*;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;

public class IntroScene extends AbstractScene implements IScene
public function IntroScene(c:Object) {


override public function createIntroCommand():Command
return new SerialCommand( 0.1,
new TweenMaxTo ( c.backgroundMC, 0.1, { blurFilter:{blurX:20, blurY:20} } ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.backgroundMC, 0.4, { autoAlpha:1, blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0} } ),
new ParallelCommand( 0,
new TweenMaxTo( [c.uiTopBanner, c.uiBottomBanner, c.buttonPrevious, c.buttonNext], 0.2, { autoAlpha:1 } ),
new TweenMaxFrom( [c.uiTopBanner, c.uiBottomBanner, c.buttonPrevious, c.buttonNext], 0.3, { y:500, easing:Strong.easeOut } )
new TweenMaxTo ( [c.appTitle, c.clickForSoundText], 0.2, { autoAlpha:1 } )

override public function onSceneSet():void {
sceneManager.setScene( new Scene01(c) );

Scene01 (Intro-Outro Sheep):

package scenes
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.commands.*;
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.commands.greensock.*;
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.commands.utils.SetProperties;
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.scenes.*;

import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;


public class Scene01 extends AbstractScene implements IScene
public function Scene01(c:Object)

override public function createIntroCommand():Command
return new SerialCommand(0,
new TweenMaxTo ( c.sheepTitle, 0.2, { autoAlpha:1 } ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.sheepMC, 0.2, { autoAlpha:1 } ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.bodyCopyBG, 0.2, { height:231, width:470, autoAlpha:1, easing:Strong.easeOut } ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.sheepBodyCopy, 0.2, { autoAlpha:1 } ),
new SetProperties ( [c.buttonPrevious, c.buttonNext, c.sheepMC, c.horseMC, c.pigMC], {buttonMode:true, useHandCursor:true} ),
new AddEventListener( c.sheepMC, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playNoise ),
new AddEventListener( c.buttonPrevious, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handlePrevious ),
new AddEventListener( c.buttonNext, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleNext )

override public function createOutroCommand():Command
return new SerialCommand(0,
new RemoveEventListener( c.sheepMC, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playNoise ),
new RemoveEventListener( c.buttonPrevious, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handlePrevious ),
new RemoveEventListener( c.buttonNext, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleNext ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.sheepBodyCopy, 0.1, { autoAlpha:0 } ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.bodyCopyBG, 0.1, { height:0, width:0, autoAlpha:0, easing:Strong.easeOut } ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.sheepMC, 0.1, { autoAlpha:0 } ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.sheepTitle, 0.1, { autoAlpha:0 } )

override public function onSceneSet():void
//TODO: implement function

private function handlePrevious(e:MouseEvent):void
trace ("Already At Beginning");
//sceneManager.setScene( new IntroScene( c ) );

private function handleNext(e:MouseEvent):void
sceneManager.setScene( new Scene02 ( c ) );

private function playNoise(e:MouseEvent):void{
var soundChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
soundChannel = new SheepNoise().play();

Scene02 (Intro-Outro Horse):

package scenes
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.commands.*;
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.commands.greensock.*;
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.scenes.*;

import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;

public class Scene02 extends AbstractScene implements IScene
public function Scene02(c:Object)

override public function createIntroCommand():Command
return new SerialCommand(0,
new TweenMaxTo( c.horseTitle, 0.2, { autoAlpha:1 } ),
new TweenMaxTo( c.horseMC, 0.2, { autoAlpha:1 } ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.bodyCopyBG, 0.2, { height:231, width:470, autoAlpha:1, easing:Strong.easeOut } ),
new TweenMaxTo( c.horseBodyCopy, 0.2, { autoAlpha:1 } ),
new AddEventListener( c.horseMC, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playNoise ),
new AddEventListener( c.buttonPrevious, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handlePrevious ),
new AddEventListener( c.buttonNext, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleNext )

override public function createOutroCommand():Command
return new SerialCommand(0,
new RemoveEventListener( c.horseMC, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playNoise ),
new RemoveEventListener( c.buttonPrevious, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handlePrevious ),
new RemoveEventListener( c.buttonNext, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleNext ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.horseBodyCopy, 0.1, { autoAlpha:0 } ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.bodyCopyBG, 0.1, { height:0, width:0, autoAlpha:0, easing:Strong.easeOut } ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.horseMC, 0.1, { autoAlpha:0 } ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.horseTitle, 0.1, { autoAlpha:0 } )

override public function onSceneSet():void

private function handlePrevious(e:MouseEvent):void
sceneManager.setScene( new Scene01 ( c ) );

private function handleNext(e:MouseEvent):void
sceneManager.setScene( new Scene03 ( c ) );

private function playNoise(e:MouseEvent):void{
var soundChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
soundChannel = new HorseNoise().play();

Scene03 (Intro-Outro Pig):

package scenes
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.commands.*;
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.commands.greensock.*;
import com.bluediesel.utils.managers.scenemanager.scenes.*;

import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;

public class Scene03 extends AbstractScene implements IScene
public function Scene03(c:Object)

override public function createIntroCommand():Command
return new SerialCommand(0,
new TweenMaxTo( c.pigTitle, 0.2, { autoAlpha:1 } ),
new TweenMaxTo( c.pigMC, 0.2, { autoAlpha:1 } ),
new TweenMaxTo ( c.bodyCopyBG, 0.2, { height:231, width:470, autoAlpha:1, easing:Strong.easeOut } ),
new TweenMaxTo( c.pigBodyCopy, 0.2, { autoAlpha:1 } ),
new AddEventListener( c.pigMC, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playNoise ),
new AddEventListener( c.buttonPrevious, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handlePrevious )

override public function createOutroCommand():Command
return new SerialCommand(0,
new RemoveEventListener( c.pigMC, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playNoise ),
new RemoveEventListener( c.buttonPrevious, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handlePrevious ),
new TweenMaxTo( c.pigBodyCopy, 0.1, { autoAlpha:0 } ),
new TweenMaxTo( c.bodyCopyBG, 0.1, { height:0, width:0, autoAlpha:0, easing:Strong.easeOut } ),
new TweenMaxTo( c.pigMC, 0.1, { autoAlpha:0 } ),
new TweenMaxTo( c.pigTitle, 0.1, { autoAlpha:0 } )

private function handlePrevious(e:MouseEvent):void
sceneManager.setScene( new Scene02 ( c ) );

private function playNoise(e:MouseEvent):void{
var soundChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
soundChannel = new PigNoise().play();
If you notice the repeating signature of a Scene class, the timeline functionality is controlled by createIntroCommand and createOutroCommand. Below those functions are any custom methods that the scene needs. There are ways this could be further packaged up, like an external class that contains all the helper functions. For now, this is a way to build a quick linear module or application without resorting to the timeline or to a more intensive solution such as a fully-fledged framework.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Morsel on Flash Professional Projects in Flash Builder

Flash Builder is so very great to use. Such a time saver for the stuff I work on, especially in conjunction with subversion. Having a repository view of a remote SVN server, being able to update and commit, not to mention the ease of 'diffing' in the Eclipse SDK. Best thing ever.

Lock down FB and SVN and you will find varying project types to choose from: Flex Project, Flex Library Project, or Flash Professional Project. Please join me in considering the good and bad of the Flash Professional Project.

Here are the things I like and don't like about managing a Flash Professional Project from FB.

The Likes:
  • The .project configuration file
  • can be saved to SVN, so you can open all your resources quickly at later date
  • allows you to select .as files from within Flash Pro and have them open in FB for a better coding experience ( still better even thoughh Flash Pro now completes code)
The Dislikes:
  • The .project configuration file
  • because collaborators with whom you share the Flash Professional Project, since the .project file is generally only usable in one particular configuration, will find it distracting
  • Two environments (FB and Flash Pro) means 2x the path configuration. Yes, you have to path to libraries and swcs twice. Once in FB, and once in Flash Pro.
  • Frequent quickly appearing and then disappearing phantom publishing panels, due to the need for FB to remain synchronized with Flash Builder. I'm on Mac and this is one of the more disturbing issues.
  • The fact that you must create and save a .FLA as a precursor to starting a new Flash Professional Project, then associate the .FLA with the new Project, and then add the new document class back to the .FLA. Far better to have the .FLA generated through FB and configured according to initial project values.
Seems like the nays have it this time. I find it works better to use subclipse to manage FLAs without converting them into Flash Professional Projects. The only tiny caveat to this approach is that you must open the associated .as files directly from FB rather than via Flash Pro.

It remains to be seen what Flash Builder "Burrito" adds to this mix.

ASDocr to generate ASDoc HTML documentation

Rather than use the command line tool ASDoc that ships with the Flex SDK, I'm trying out ASDocr released on the Grant Skinner's site,

It's handy, just be sure to update your Air to the latest 2.x version (presently 2.5.1) and be sure also to grab the latest ASDocr, as several are linked from