Initial Development: Code Behind Experiment
Starts Automatically
Server Starts Manually
Visual Basic 2008
Associations made to SQLEXPRESS in Server Explorer
Initial Development: Code Behind Experiment
Experimenting with the VB concept of code behind
Using C# in an aspx.cs file referenced in the head of the client document
Testing out connections between forms, elements and IDs in C#
Work with Direct Data Access, requires three steps
- Create Connection object
- Create Command object
- Create Data Reader object
Step One:
Different ways to create a connection object. Need to know:
- Server Name, aka Data Source (e.g. localhost\SQLEXPRESS)
- Database Name aka Initial Catalog (e.g. Pubs)
- Security Type aka Integrated Security (e.g. SSPI)
In C# be sure to import the proper namespaces for the Data Provider you're using. It could be SQL, OLE DB, Oracle or ODBC. I'm using SQL, so the namespaces to import are:
The Data Provider Classes for SQL Server Data Provider are
- Connections - SqlConnection
- Command - SqlCommand
- DataReader - SqlDataReader
- DataAdapter - SqlDataAdapter
- using System.Data;
- using System.Data.SqlClient;
Once these namespaces are imported, you can create an object of type SqlConnection
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection();
myConnection.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;" + "Initial Catalog=Pubs;Integrated Security=SSPI";
This code would normally go in the code behind aka the aspx.cs file of the operative file. Since many different operative files will likely use the same connection string, a better approach is to centralize the connection string for easy universal reference. This could be done as a class member variable. Even better, put it in a configuration file.
The configuration file is an xml file called web.config. It sits at the root of the project and can be accesed globally. Thus it is a good place for the connection string info.
I'm placing it in the section of the web.config file.
Retrieve the connection string by name using OO notation after adding namespace System.Web.Configuration:
string connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Pubs"].ConnectionString;
To actually retrieve data requires
- A SQL statement that selects the information you want
- A Command object that executes the SQL statement
- A DataReader or DataSet object to access the retrieved records
Here's a method
SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand();
myCommand.Connection = myConnection;
myCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Authors ORDER BY au_lname ";
to create a DataReader, you use the ExecuteReader() method of the command object:
SqlDataReader myReader;
myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();
move forward one line at a time using the myReader.Read(); method
with each row, you can add to an object this way:
1stNames.Items.Add(myReader["au_lname"] + ", " + myReader["au_fname"]);
to move to the next row, use the Read() method again. When finished, close the DataReader and Connection
Done for now.
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