Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Zend Debugger for PDT

If you are attempting to debug in PHP, PDT is your answer. Listed in Software Updates as the Zend Debugger Feature, it can be plugged into your Eclipse build via the following address:

It's free and it works seamlessly in conjunction with MAMP. When you run it, debug dialog is displayed in the panels in the Eclipse IDE. Objects can be halted via breakpoints for inspection.

Something else that is not free but I'm evaluating in response to upward trending: JetBrains PHPStorm IDE. On initial inspection, seems to offer the same web tools as Eclipse offers.

As a potential mid-weight candidate between TextMate and Eclipse, it could bust the whole thing wide open. After all, informative and easy's all I'm asking for, doesn't matter who provides it. Open source development is fine, but it tends to force platform specialization on the end user. I don't mind paying to avoid that.

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