Wednesday, April 8, 2009

SQL & LINQ for n-tier applications

As I've blogged a lot lately, WebORB bridges back end and presentation servers for AMF and DB CRUD functionality. Furthermore, once WebORB is configured properly, it deploys server and client code in an automated fashion, allowing this to happen. If you manage to rig it properly, it binds your data via method calls to the DB.

In developing an n-tier application, it's crucial to plan in advance how the tiers will provide for one another in the overall application chain. Justin J. Moses' blog of March 19th outlines the strength of utilizing SQL with LINQ in such a way. I especially enjoyed his definitions of generalized data transfer strategies as being either safety, hungry, greedy, or thrifty. Well done!

Since his description is more than adequate I won't go into it here, but seeing as it's a likely fit for my current project, I may post some notes later on data across the pipe with RIA.

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